You look around your living space and notice that your floor has gone beyond the look of normal “wear and tear” and into “what the heck happened” territory.

It’s time to make a decision. You want flooring that’s attractive, yet able to stand the test of time — but, you’re on a budget.

Enter vinyl plank flooring, the material that may just save the day.

We’ll share the benefits of vinyl plank flooring, how to choose the right one for your space, and our step-by-step instructions to make vinyl plank flooring installation a breeze.

Table of Contents

vinyl plank flooring installation

5 Benefits of Vinyl Plank Flooring

Vinyl plank flooring has increased in popularity over the last few years, prompting many homeowners to choose this flooring over other materials, such as laminate. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Durability: Vinyl plank flooring is extremely durable and resistant to scratches, dents, and stains. This makes it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas, such as entryways and living rooms.
  2. Water resistance: Vinyl plank flooring is 100% waterproof, making it ideal for areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens. Unlike hardwood flooring, vinyl plank flooring won’t warp, buckle, or crack when exposed to water.
  3. Low maintenance: Vinyl plank flooring is incredibly easy to maintain. You can simply sweep, vacuum, or mop it to keep it looking clean and fresh.
  4. Aesthetically pleasing: Vinyl plank flooring comes in a wide range of styles and colors, which makes it easy to find a design that suits your personal style and matches your home’s décor.
  5. Affordability: Compared to other flooring options, such as hardwood or tile, vinyl plank flooring is relatively inexpensive. It is also easy to install, which can save you money on installation costs if you choose to do it yourself.

Vinyl plank flooring is a great flooring choice for homeowners looking for a quality floor at a fraction of the cost of other types of flooring.

If you’re located in Auburn, WA, or surrounding areas, and you’ve been considering vinyl plank flooring but aren’t sure where to start, contact Interior Motives Flooring. We are your area experts when it comes to flooring installation and can help you choose the right flooring for your home or business.

vinyl plank flooring install

How To Choose the Right Vinyl Plank Flooring for Your Home or Business

Choosing the right vinyl plank flooring for your home or business requires considering several factors to ensure that you end up with a product that meets your needs and preferences. Here are some things to consider when selecting vinyl plank flooring:

  1. Room usage: Consider the room or area where you want to install the vinyl plank flooring. For high-traffic areas like hallways, entryways, or kitchens, choose a thicker wear layer and a higher durability rating. For areas with high moisture levels like bathrooms, opt for vinyl plank flooring with 100% waterproof capabilities.
  2. Style and design: Vinyl plank flooring comes in a wide range of styles, colors, and patterns. Select one that matches your decor and personal taste.
  3. Wear layer thickness: The wear layer thickness determines the level of durability of the vinyl plank flooring. A thicker wear layer will provide better protection against scratches, stains, and wear and tear.
  4. Installation method: Vinyl plank flooring can be installed using a click-lock system, glue down method, or loose lay. The click-lock system is the most common and easiest for DIY installation.
  5. Brand and quality: Choose a reputable brand and quality product with good reviews to ensure that you are purchasing a high-quality product that will last long.
  6. Warranty: Check the warranty offered by the manufacturer. The warranty should cover the wear layer and the product’s overall quality.
  7. Budget: Lastly, consider your budget. Vinyl plank flooring is relatively affordable compared to other flooring options, but the price varies depending on the brand, quality, and design. Select a product that fits your budget and provides the best value for your money.

If you need help choosing your vinyl plank flooring in Auburn, WA, or surrounding areas, visit us at Interior Motives Flooring. We can walk you through the various types of flooring and help you select a color and style that you’ll love for years to come.

Planning To DIY the Project? Here’s What You’ll Need To Have

Vinyl plank flooring installation can be DIY-friendly if you’re an experienced handyperson, but it does require some specialized tools and techniques. Follow our simple steps to ensure that your project runs smoothly and make sure you have the right tools. 

You will require the following items to begin:

  • Air compressor
  • Air hose
  • Aviation snips
  • Belt sander
  • Brad nail gun
  • Chalk line
  • Cold chisel
  • Dust mask
  • Hammer
  • Hearing protection
  • Knee pads
  • Putty knife
  • Safety glasses
  • Sanding block
  • Square
  • Straightedge
  • Tape measure
  • Utility knife

How To Install Vinyl Plank Flooring in 5 Easy Steps

how to install vinyl plank flooring

Step 1: Figure Out Your Layout

The layout you design should be pleasing to the eye, so you’ll need to plan it carefully for the best results. 

Find the most prominent wall, this is the wall that first catches your eye when you walk into the room. You will then work outwards towards the entryway. 

Lay the first row of vinyl planks parallel to the most prominent wall, then work your way across the rest of the room. Don’t worry if your last row is slightly uneven, this is because most rooms aren’t truly square. The baseboards and shoe moldings will obscure this unevenness. 

Stagger rows so that the end joints don’t fall at the same point for the adjacent rows. A good rule of thumb is that end seams be offset at least 6 inches from row to row.

If the subfloor isn’t level, then you may need to install a layer of luan wood.

Step 2: Wait 48 Hours

Once you have decided on the perfect layout, choose the type of vinyl plank that you would like to install. Options include:

  • Interlocking: Otherwise known as click planks. This vinyl requires no adhesive and simply connects with a tongue-and-groove system.
  • Glue strip: This type connects the planks using adhesive strips. It doesn’t adhere to the existing floor and it’s more forgiving than interlocking planks. 
  • Glue down: Glue down flooring uses a liquid glue, or tape adhesive, to attach the planks to the existing floor. This option is also available in a peel-and-stick format. Perfect for uneven floors, but slightly more difficult to install. 

After you have picked your materials, prepare the area. Bring the flooring you decide on and leave it in the room for 48 hours so that it can adjust to the environment. Clean the entire area and allow it to dry completely. 

Step 3: Install Your First Planks

The installation method will vary depending on the type of vinyl planks you chose. 

  • Interlocking: Start by cutting off the groove using your utility knife from the wall edge of the first plank. Lay down the plank at the appropriate space starting from the wall. Then lock the next plank into place, attaching the tongue edge to the installed plank’s grooved edge. Complete this pattern by simply locking each plank into place. Once completed, use a rubber mallet to tap along the seam to secure the planks into place. 
  • GlueStrip: Lay the first plank, leaving the manufacturer’s recommended amount of space. Overlap the next strip with the exposed adhesive and secure it into place using a hand roller. 
  • Glue down: Start at the center of the room. Divide the room into quarters, then create a guide using chalk. Use a trawler to apply the adhesive to the floor and allow it to set. Place the first strip so that it hugs the chalk line and layers directly in the center. If you’re using the peel-and-stick option, remove the backing and press firmly, starting from the center of the room. 

Step 4: Lay Your Vinyl Planks

Once you have placed the first row, continue with the rest of the room. Stagger the planks for a more natural-looking result. To achieve the staggered look, simply start the next row by placing the plank’s seam in the middle of the seam of the previous plank. 

  • Interlocking: Continue the next row by clicking on the tongue and groove to the edge of the previous row. Then continue around the room. Tap the flooring to secure it into place with a rubber mallet or tapping block. 
  • GlueStrip: Start the next row by pressing the planks against the strips of the first row you laid. Continue around the room until all planks have been installed. To secure it in place, go over the entire floor with a floor roller. 
  • Glue Down: Once you have completed the center row, work in a parallel direction. Apply adhesive and then push the boards up against the neighboring strip. Make sure not to use too much glue. Wipe away any excess. 

Once completed, you can replace the baseboards. 

Step 5: Apply the Finishing Touches

Once your floor is installed. Use a pull bar and rubber mallet to ensure that the boards are locked into place. Next, remove all the spacers and any tape. Then, install your quarter-round or shoe molding. Cut the trim to fit and secure using a nail gun. 

The final touch is to place the transition in the metal channel and press it into place. Congratulations, your DIY project is now complete. 

installing vinyl plank flooring

What Is the Cost To Install Vinyl Plank Flooring?

Vinyl plank flooring usually ranges between $1.50 to $10 per square foot, depending on the brand and quality, with professional installation costs running between $3 to $10 per square If you’re planning to do the project yourself, you may need to invest in some tools. Consider whether you’ll use these tools again and whether it’s worth spending the money to do the project yourself vs. professional installation.

With professional installation usually comes a guarantee on the work, which gives homeowners and business owners peace of mind.

Contact Interior Motives Flooring for Your Free Vinyl Plank Flooring Quote Today

Interior Motives Flooring should be the first stop for all your vinyl plank flooring needs in Auburn, WA, and surrounding areas. We take great pride in the excellent service and meticulousness we provide. 

Contact us today for a no-obligation, free quote, and let us help you get your flooring into tip-top shape. 

If you don’t feel like the DIY route, our team knows how to install vinyl plank flooring expertly and can complete the project on your behalf within a budget that works for you. 

What are you waiting for? Contact us today. foot.

vinyl plank flooring install