You demand a lot from your hardwood floors. While you can keep them looking brand new by implementing a few tried-and-true cleaning techniques, you may not know which methods to use in your home.

Our team at Interior Motives Flooring created this guide to teach you how to clean hardwood floors without damaging the planks. Read on for everything you need to know about cleaning, maintaining, and protecting your floors in a few simple steps.


What Are Hardwood Floors?

You may believe that all wood flooring is considered “hardwood.” However, there are actually two types of wood flooring: hardwood and softwood.

Hardwood flooring comes from slow-growing trees, such as oak, walnut, teak, or pecan. The long growing time results in a thick, durable plank that outlasts popular softwoods like pine or cedar. As a result, hardwood floors require less maintenance.

Hardwood floors are typically more expensive than softwood planks, though. However, if you care for your flooring properly, you can enjoy a life expectancy of up to 100 years.


Hardwood Floors: Routine Cleaning and Maintenance

Daily Cleaning & Maintenance

Focus on cleaning up spills and removing dust using a microfiber mop or cleaning pad. You’ll reduce allergens and minimize the risk of scratches at the same time.

Weekly Cleaning & Maintenance

Each week, vacuum every nook and cranny of your floors. Then, use a damp mop and a combination of castile soap and water to remove any leftover dust or sticky substances. Take care not to soak your floors, though. Give the planks a light spray and mop, following the wood’s grain.

Monthly Cleaning & Maintenance

Once a month, use a high-quality hardwood cleaning fluid to remove grease, sticky spills, and scuffs. Many homeowners try steam cleaning to remove grime, but this can cause plank warping. Instead, we highly recommend a microfiber mop and cleaning fluid.

Quarterly Cleaning & Maintenance

Every three to four months, apply floor polish to restore the shine of your planks, fill in scratches, and improve the luster of your hardwood floors.

Annual Deep-Cleaning & Maintenance

Finally, employ our tried-and-true three-step cleaning and maintenance process once a year to keep your floors looking as good as new:

1. Clean

Clean your floors with a rented hardwood floor buffer, a microfiber mop, and hardwood floor cleaner to remove dirt, grease, and grime.

2. Buff

After cleaning, apply wood floor oil to a microfiber cloth and buff your floors to cover minor damage and improve the color.

3. Refinish

Your floor may look flawless after completing steps one and two. If your floors have suffered moderate damage over the last twelve months, you may need to hire a professional to refinish them, like our flooring experts at Interior Motives Flooring.


Basic Cleaning Steps

1. Choose a soft-bristled, angled broom.

Use your broom to get into the corners of your room and remove dust quickly. Always sweep with the grain instead of against it.

2. Vacuum with a soft floor nozzle.

Take care when vacuuming your floors, or try a robot vacuum to prevent damage.

3. Attack sticky debris.

Use a microfiber cloth or mop and hardwood floor cleaner to remove sticky spills as soon as possible.

4. Use a damp mop with a flat-head and microfiber pad.

Spray your floors lightly with a hardwood floor cleaning solution and mop with the grain to prevent flooding and reduce streaks.


Tips to Avoid Major Damage

1. Don’t ignore wet or sticky spills.

You may be able to ignore an errant ice cube or minor spill on tile floors, but even a small leak could damage your hardwood. Clean up sticky spots or spills as quickly as possible to preserve your flooring.

2. Don’t bring on heavy equipment.

If you think that brooms are one-size-fits-all, think again! Stiff, heavy outdoor brooms and heavy-duty cleaning machines can damage your flooring. Opt for soft bristles, angled brooms, and hardwood buffers instead.

3. Avoid applying the wrong cleaning product.

Popular products such as Murphy Oil Soap, paste wax, and acrylic polishes can cause more damage than good. Focus on removing grime and buffing the planks to improve luster.

4. Beware of flooding the zone.

Never clean your hardwood floors with standing water or soaking wet mops. The moisture can seep between the boards and cause damage as your floors shrink and expand throughout the year.

5. No steam cleaning.

Your hardwood floors and a steam cleaner do not mix. Save the steam for tile, vinyl, or linoleum floors.


What Solution to Use to Clean Hardwood Floors

Many homeowners turn to old-fashion cleaning methods, such as vinegar, baking soda, or dish detergent. However, these products don’t clean as well as a hardwood floor cleaner and can even damage your sealant.

Err on the side of caution and use a pH-neutral solution to remove dirt, grease, and grime without damaging your floors. At Interior Motives Flooring, we recommend products like Bona’s Free & Simple Hardwood Floor Cleaner for deep cleaning without chemicals or potential irritants.


What Makes Hardwood Floors Shine?

Nothing compares to the deep, rich glow of hardwood flooring. If you notice that your floors have taken on a dull appearance, look for a hardwood cleaning solution with key ingredients to boost shine, such as:

  •   Solvents: Solvents help minimize moisture damage, water streaks, and buildup by speeding up the drying process.
  •   Oxidizers: Oxidizers release hydrogen peroxide, which attacks built-up dirt, grease, and grime.
  •   Surfactants: Surfactants help loosen dirt and grease, then emulsify grime so that it attaches to your cloth or mop more easily.


Hardwood Floor Cleaners and Tools

You’ll need a few basic tools to keep your planks looking new. Stock up on high-quality essentials, including:

  •   A soft-bristled broom and dustpan. Don’t underestimate the importance of a quick sweep. Daily sweeping will keep your floors clear of dirt and minimize scratches.
  •   A vacuum cleaner with a soft roller. Choose a lightweight, easy-to-maneuver vacuum cleaner with a soft roller or nozzle to prevent damage while cleaning.
  •   A microfiber cloth or mop. Microfiber cleaning tools attract dust and make it easy to clean without too much water.


The Best Hardwood Floors & Flooring Installation Service in Town

Your hardwood floors are a defining feature of your home. Keep them looking fresh, stunning, and bright with regular cleaning and maintenance tips, courtesy of our hardwood flooring experts at Interior Motives Flooring.

Our team knows how to clean hardwood floors and provides high-quality hardwood flooring installation and maintenance in the Auburn, Washington, area. If you’re ready to upgrade your home with luxury hardwood floors, please get in touch with our Interior Motives Flooring staff today at 253-753-2243 to request a free estimate.